- Holds cup by himself
- Sits up unassisted
- Crawls like a maniac!
- Rolls from all directions and sits up.
- Pulls himself to standing on everything
- Can hold his spoon
- Laughs out loud
- walks across room with assistance!
- loves to use his voice.
- turns when someone calls his name
- Loves mommy's phone, and the remote
- can function toys on his own!
- holds toys in hands
- shows signs of object permanence
Cohen is getting big so fast. I am amazed at how much and how quickly they go from newborn to full fledged KID!! He loves when Mommy reads to him and Gets a kick out of the funny voices we use!!! He loves to be outside. Over the summer, we spent a lot of time at the pool, at the beach, and the lake. He loves the water. We had a hard time getting him out of it sometimes!
When daddy was on vacation in august, we went up to the white mountains, and hiked the FLUME. I lasted half way thru and then passed out sleeping in the fun backpack daddy carried me in. I woke up just before the end. Then mommy and Daddy took me to Echo Lake. It was beautiful there. The water was very cold, but i didn't mind. I loved to splash mommy with the water!!! Since then we have done a bunch of new things. I am excited for Halloween, I'm going to be a dragon. Wait till you see my costume!! I'm really excited to go pumpkin picking and apple picking in the weekends to come. I want it to be a little cooler. These past few days have been scorching!!!
Here are some Pictures I just had done at the picture people. Mommy entered me into a contest for Yo Baby yogurt. I'll keep you posted on the progress!!

Now that it is a lot easier to post pic on this blog, I'm sure my mommy will keep up on it so that you can see me grow and know all the cool things we do! Till next time!
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