On November 18th (24 weeks preggers) David and I saw Cohen in 3D. This was amazing! We got to see a lot of neat things that he was doing in there. We also found out that he definately is a BOY!!! I was really excited to hear that news for sure! Because when we had the 2D ultra sound the lady said it wasn't 100% so knowing that he is a little boy made me really happy! So we really have a Cohen Michael on the way!!!!!! He's getting very strong now, David and I can not only feel when he kicks mama but now we can physically see when he kicks from the outside! As you can see from the pics I have posted Cohen has chubby little cheeks and I believe that he has daddy's lips and chin!!! In the first pic I can see that Cohen makes the same angry lips as his daddy does!! It's cute to see him do that and I didn't notice until I had looked at the pics at home! You be the judge!!!
I'm starting to get really anxious to meet my little man, I can't wait to see what he looks like! I'm also getting a little nervous about the whole birthing experience!!! I'm scared of a lot of things that could happen although knowing that there is a slight chance that anything bad will happen, just knowing that it's possible makes me nervous!
In this pic you can see his hands stretched out. It almost looks like he is trying to open his eyes, even tho the tech told me that they don't open their eyes until about week 28...4 more to go I guess! I think i'm a little farther along then they say just by how I feel personally! Or Cohen is advanced for his young age!!!!hehe, lets hope!!! When we went to get this 3D ultra sound we got the package with the dvd option and that shows him actually moving around and doing things. I really enjoyed seeing him move, I ate a lot of sugar that morning so he was full of karate kicks!

Here in this pic you can see his little fist all tightened up! He's just sooo freakin cute and I can't get enough of him. He likes having his hands in front of his face. Either that or he takes after his father and just wasn't in the mood for pictures that day!!! From what I can make out I think he has mommy's nose! YEAH!!! Mine is a little rounder than Dave's!!! Hehehe. It's amazing to me how much I am in love with him and he isn't even here yet, I have no clue what motherhood is going to be like, but I am ready to face it and I can't wait to experience everything this little guy has to offer me...Even if it's sleepless nights and being pooped on!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!

Here's a pic of his umbilical cord...no wonder he's chubby look at that hose!!!! ahahah! And the way I eat, it's almost like he is getting the whole BIG MAC!!!! Anyway.....he looks healthy and happy so I guess all is good in there! Well until next time....I have a bunch of other pics I want to put on here but I'm at work so I don't have them on this computer...maybe tonight when I get home I'll post again...If not....GOBBLE GOBBLE...HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!
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