What a cute little BOY!!!!!!I'm 20 weeks along now (HALF WAY, YAH!) and we had our doctors appointment yesterday, ultra sound and check up....and Yup, we found out that David and I are having a BOY!! Now they said they can't tell us 100% that it's a boy, but judging by the picture I think it's pretty clear!!! The lady that did the ultrasound was very sweet considering my mother, my grandmother and grandfather all decided they wanted to come and join in on my excitment!!! I'm glad they were there though because I want to share this experience with everyone!!! I am sooo happy because I wanted a boy. More than anything I just wanted a healthy baby, but a boy is WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Of course, emotional rollercoaster that I am, I started crying. The ultra sound lady hadn't even said it was a boy yet but I knew when I looked at the screen!!!! I sit on a computer all day long so I've looked at a million ultra sounds by now!!!! We've decided on a name that we both love and that is Cohen Michael McIntyre. I'm a little iffy on the middle name still so we'll see. David likes it as Michael so I may have to stick with it. So this is the Picture that made it very

CLEAR to us that we're having a sweet little boy! hahah or should I say BIG boy! I plan on having the 3D ultra sound done in the weeks to come. I've heard a lot of positive feedback about the 3D ultra sound. I was a little hesitant at first about it but I'm convinced that it will be a very cool experience! Cohen has been moving a lot every since we found out I was pregnant, but now it is very appearent to me that he is moving! I've been feeling him for about 3 weeks now, basically just flutters at first, it wasn't until this passed week that I could really feel him kicking me! I love feeling those gentle kicks now, but I'm sure that will change in the weeks to come when he's jabbing my ribs!!! I'm Updating my registery now so when it's all done I'll let you all know and then I'll send you the link to check it out! Oh yea and I will be carving those pumpkins this weekend so you'll see them when they are done! Until next time.....take care!
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