Today was a beautful day to go pumpkin picking and apple picking, if you call picking the apples out of a bin apple picking!!!! We had a lot of fun @ macks this afternoon, the weather was fantastic.When we finally decided on the perfect pumpkins we got 2 really big ones. Well they were big to me, David carried them!!! I'm really excited to carve them, that project is on another days adgenda!!! The selection this year was very good I must say, not many rotten ones! Here is a pic of the pumpkin David decided on....I think this is the one that had slugs on the back of it, and he made me wipe them off...hehe.
What a big wimp! Other than that we had a wonderful day. After we went picking for those fun things, we stopped over at my moms house for a quick hello, but no one was home! So we plopped on the couch and took advantage of some quiet time!
<-----And here is a pic of me being a goof ball....Yikes, look at that BELLY! The colors at the farm stands were sooo beautiful and vibrant. Lost of pretty flowers and BRIGHT pumpkins!I'll have to keep you posted for when we carve them for halloween!!! Only a couple of weeks till then!
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