I'm now 30 weeks pregnant and I'm very ready to be done!!
I am hoping that Cohen Arrives early (but also healthy) Judging by my size i'm pretty sure he's healthy!!! They say to start doing fetal movement counts, and I should feel 10 within an hour...I say when do I stop counting?? I think I counted almost 50 in less than a half hour!!!!! He's very active and I'm enjoying knowing that he is moving about, but sometimes those precious elbows and knees aren't always comfortable in my sides. Oh and his big bum has now taken permenant residence inside my ribs!!!! I think he sleeps when I sleep b/c that is when his moving slows a bit(or when I tend not to feel him as much) But when I'm awake man, he doesn't stop!!!! I'm really ready to have him out beacuse i'm not sure my body can handle 10 more weeks...I'M HUGE!!!
I'm hopeing for no stretch marks. None so far, but you never know...I could just wake up with some one morning...I WILL CRY!
I should be starting my Birthing classes very soon. I'm extremely anxious to start these b/c I am terrified of giving birth!! Some people say I should elect for a c Section b/c of my size. I mean I know i'm not that big, but judging by my size and the size of this belly, I think we have a big boy on our hands!! Cohen is already head down and ready to go!!! He has a big head! I can tell by the amount of times I run to the bathroom! I know he is head down b/c there is a big difference between his movements on the lower portion of my belly then at the top!! He likes to play with his mommy's hips! He is constantly moving his little hands around and sticks his elbows into my hips as well!!!!! And then his knees are right in my ribs and sides!!! OH IT'S LOVELY!

In this last picture I feel as though my bum is in competition with my enormous belly!! All I can say is that this is going to be a BIG boy!!!! I can just tell! Everyone keeps asking me if i'm having a hard time eating big meals now...the answer is noooooo..I want 1o of everything!!! I'm always hungry! I think the other night I woke up 6 times of the course of the night, ate cheesecake, and cheese sandwich, a big bowl of cereal, 2 english muffins, and then woke up and wanted dunkin donuts bagels!!!!! He not only is a house, but eats like one too!!! He must get that from his daddy! well I think we're getting subs for dinner so until next time!
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