Over the past couple weeks I've been the only one to feel this precious little life growing inside me kicking, rolling and using my bladder as a trampoline for fun. Which was fine with me, but I really couldn't wait for David to feel the joy I had been feeling for the past couple weeks. Finally Friday night Daddy felt Cohen Kick for the first time!! It was really exciting!!!!

We Had been out pretty much all night. We went halloween costume shopping, and then went to the movies to see SAW III. Very good movie I thought, I am more enthusiastic about going to see scary or suspenseful movies, because any other movie usually makes me cry and I hate to cry over a movie! So anyway, we had just got in from our night out when I remembered I had to take my daily vitamins, when I noticed our little one really making some drastic moves. When I put my hand on my belly I felt it on the outside!! So I yelled for David and said "put your hand here." and sure enough Cohen stopped moving!! I poked him a little and then Daddy finally felt him move! I was sooo excited to have David feel Cohen move. Since then Cohen hasn't move as much as he did that night, but enough that I can still feel him moving around!!! :o)
Today is also my Lovey's 22nd Birthday!